The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation(FAO)revised down its global rice forecast for 2012 on Monday due to low monsoon rainfall in India, but said world output should still be greater than in 2011.
The 2012 forecast has been revised down by 7.8 million tonnes "due to a 22-percent lower-than-average monsoon rainfall in India through mid-July, which is likely to reduce output in the country this season," the Rome-based FAO said.
Production forecasts have also been reduced for Cambodia, Taiwan, North and South Korea, and Nepal, according to the July 2012 issue of the Rice Market Monitor, which was published by the food agency on Monday.
However, world output is still expected to surpass "the excellent results achieved in 2011," with production forecast to total 724.5 million tonnes.
In price terms, rice has remained "surprisingly stable" after gaining two percent in May, in sharp contrast with maize and wheat markets, it said.
FAO說,在價格方面,在5月上漲2%後 ,稻米價格呈現「令人驚訝的穩定」,與玉蜀黍和小麥市場形成強烈對比。
"Amid abundant rice supplies and stocks, the likelihood of a strong price rebound in coming months is minimal, but the future direction of rice prices remains uncertain," the agency added.(AFP)
monsoon:名詞,(印度的)季風;雨季。例句:Heavy rains occur during a summer monsoon.(暴雨出現在一個夏季季風期。)
output:名詞,輸出;產量。例句:The output of the factory this year has increased by 20 percent as compared with last year.(這家廠今年的產量比去年增加了20%。)
abundant:形容詞,豐富的;充足的。例句:The country is abundant in natural resources.(這個國家天然資源豐富。)