As consumers we want our electronic gadgets to be durable. But as patients, we might want them to dissolve _ inside our bodies.
做為消費者,我們希望我們的電子器材經久耐用 ,但做為病人,我們或許希望它們分解—在我們體內。
Scientists reported that they succeeded in creating tiny medical devices sealed in silk cocoons that did the work they were designed for, then dissolved in the bodies of lab mice.
Doctors already use implants that dispense drugs or provide electrical stimulation, but they don’t dissolve. The new work is aimed at making devices that do their jobs as long as needed and then just dissolved, without need for surgical removal or risk of long-term side effects.
In the experiment, the devices _ which look like tiny computer chips _ were designed to generate heat, a potential strategy for fighting infection after surgery by killing germs, said John Rogers of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, an author of the study.
The devices worked in the mice for more than a week, until their silk coatings dissolved enough for bodily fluids to erode key parts of the devices, he said. After three weeks, the tiny gadgets had basically disappeared.
Someday for people, similar devices might be programmed to monitor the body and release drugs accordingly, or produce electric current to accelerate bone healing, Rogers said. (AP)
dissolve︰動詞,分解、使溶解、解散。例句︰They dissolved their partnership.(他們解除合夥關係。)
dispense︰動詞,分配、分發、(依處方)發藥。例句︰This pharmacist dispensed the prescription with carelessness.(這位藥劑師配藥粗心大意。)
accordingly︰副詞,照著、相應地、因此。例句︰The world is changing rapidly ; our plans must change accordingly.(世界變化快速,我們的計畫必須相應地改變。)