《中英對照讀新聞》Study:Looking old may be a sign of heart risks ─研究:看起來老可能是心臟疾病的徵兆
Want a clue to your risk of heart disease? Look in the mirror. People who look old with receding hairlines, bald heads, creases near their ear lobes or bumpy deposits on their eyelids have a greater chance of developing heart disease than younger-looking people the same age, new research suggests.
"Looking old for your age marks poor cardiovascular health,’’ said Dr. Anne Tybjaerg-Hansen of the University of Copenhagen in Denmark.
A small consolation:Wrinkles elsewhere on the face and gray hair seemed just ordinary consequences of aging and did not correlate with heart risks.
The research began in 1976. At the start, researchers documented people’s appearance, counting crow’s feet, wrinkles and other signs of age. In the next 35 years, 3,400 participants developed heart disease (clogged arteries), and 1,700 suffered a heart attack.